Seashore Loch Leven



  1. Hari OM
    Nature is the greatest artist... YAM xx

  2. Lovely light on the seashore and lots to see.

  3. Familiar seashore material, beautifully captured!

  4. Such pretty things I love looking for shells and such at the beach

    I emailed Sandra/Mad Snapper earlier this morning got this short text
    "Would you pass the word on to as many as you can that our power is off don't know when it will be back. I can't email because uses my data. We're okay but everything is a mess our cars are trapped inside the garage and we're trying to find a way to get one out because Bob has a 4:00 doctor's appointment. No permanent harm done but not good we're melting into a puddle and Beau is saying please Mommy turn on the air conditioner"

  5. That's alot of seaweed, hope you took some home for your garden.

  6. Is the loch salt water? Some interesting and beautiful photos

    1. There are sea lochs and fresh water lochs. This one is a sea Loch (sort of a fjord or sound rather than a lake in the sense we think of such things)

  7. Fascinating seeing what is on the shore. Love the different seaweeds :)


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