

Back in Piraeus for 3 days. Primarily to deliver a patchwork quilt to a 3 month old wee lad called Theo. He might not appreciate the modernist cats it portrays but I hope he's on board with the colours.

I wasn't exactly prepared for Piraeus to grab me by the throat. You know that choking up feeling? Some of that was passing cafes where my regular coffee companion was a certain tabby feline. Some of it a better understanding of the quality of life I had here. Being here in the COVID years, it wasn't always apparent at the time - or it was apparent and I was looking the other way.

It's only a quick visit and two of the friends I had hoped to catch up with are on holiday out on islands of Greece, but there is plenty to fill a morning or an afternoon... swimming, checking out what has developed in the last two years (completed metro link to the airport, squares and gardens smartened up, fountains restored, buildings renovated,....).

The view from the rooftop (an apartment hotel downtown) is still of unbleached hills and buildings....

.... the overall environment (Athens being the hottest capital city in Europe) isn't likely to change any time soon and recalling our misery on the hottest days of summer here I'm pleased I've made my visit in October.

Breakfast of Greek yoghurt and fruit, eaten in liesure on the roof in a balmy 21 degrees C is probably as good as it gets anywhere (even if the view could do with some greenery).
Token roof garden plant.


  1. Hari Om
    So glad you are getting to make this visit - albeit with a big nostalgia attack. I'm sure the quilt will be loved! YAM xx

  2. Not the same without Mr T I suppose.
    Still, it is sometimes a good feeling to go back to a familiar place. A little bit like a friendly hug.

  3. You don't have to be there, you can see the heat and dryness.....

  4. Nostalgia can be painful. A little more greenery on the roof would be good.

  5. It's a strange feeling going back, half belonging and half not.

  6. There was a little catch in my throat when I read the beginning of your second paragraph.
    You can leave knowing you passed that way happily.

  7. That is one part of Scotland I have never seen. Enjoy the sun.

  8. Welcome back again. Good weather for once. Not too damn hot. I haven't been into Piraeus for years but it all looks very familiar. A skyline of rooftops and the still brown dry hills beyond.

  9. Memories can hurt but also can heal. I hope it helps to sooth your heart.
    Yes it’s depressing seeing the bleached mountains. Hopefully once the summer is well and truly over they get rain to green things up a bit


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