Telecom Boxes

Street furniture provides surfaces that invite decoration. Deliberate design, it seems, is generally respected by the few graffiti-ists who might ply their skills or talents hereabouts.

Maybe they have been commissioned to decorate some of these telecoms boxes which are normally boring grey or dark green obstacles on our footpaths.

Hairy McClary and friends at Argyll Park

Silhouette of Southern Alps

Speaks for itself really - the artist has really captured it. Rainbow trout are not native, but sport fishing for them (and brown trout) is licenced by Acclimatization Societies.
When I was about 5 years old we lived close to a Hatchery - place that reared tiny trout for release into rivers and lakes. I clearly remember visiting the tanks of tiny silver fish flashing about - and one black one. The hatchery officer said that one was blind - their colour matches the light that they see.

This one might be railway signalling controls. We have lots of level crossings (road across the railway line) because state Highway 1 and the main trunk line run more or less together through Canterbury; so the message is about crossing the railway line. The bird is a Ruru.
