Bags of Rubbish

Every Friday during school terms the conference room in the old office here is used for a social and sewing gathering of refugee women. Everything has been donated - sewing machines and overlockets, fabrics, thread, irons and ironing boards, needles, pins, zips and buttons. Every time I open a drawer or cupboard I find more 'resources'. The instructors put the class into recess this term while they spent their Fridays sorting and tidying all these resources and discarding anything unlikely to ever get used (that included a lot of curtains and sample swatches).

On one of their working-bee days I got dragged in to service a sewing machine. I have an undeserved reputation in that field because I fluked some repairs on a couple of overlockers.  I noticed that there were bins of discarded fabrics clearly marked RUBBISH.

A few days later I was encouraging a 14 yr old girl to learn to sew and make some cushion covers, so we raided the bins.

I hate waste.  I like finding uses for off-cuts, sample swatches, and remnants. (I have a label for my creations ... Res'Qued)

Anyway cushion covers aside (they were a success) I have bags of small pieces of printed cottons for patchwork (which will end up in my own studio), and bins of heavier curtain fabric remnants that I am making into tote-bags (again)...just to show them what is possible with this stuff.  It's all straight line sewing and easy beginner projects that can be made out of bits that were destined for the fire-heap.



  1. Oh my ... I can't believe all that was going to be trashed! Your projects sound ideal for a beginner and I am sure will be popular. I hope there will be more tote bags and cushion covers to come now?

  2. Hari OM
    Oh YES!!! 'sall I'm gonna say on that one... YAM xx

  3. you are sooooooooooooo talented.. good job AGAIN!

  4. As soon as you mentioned samples and curtains, I thought noooo, don't toss them! Bags, slipcovers, pillows...

  5. I LOVE This!! You have inspired me- I have loads of bits to sew together into something that might make sense and you just can not go wrong making totes- re-useable bags for shopping! You are brilliant at it! Your bags look fabulous! Do you line them? Are the seams French?

    1. Most of them are lined. A lot of the curtain fabric has that white plasticky backing (thermal?) so the edges don't fray anyway. The unlined ones just get the raw edges overlooked.


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