Cardboard Boxes

Wealth should be measured in cardboard boxes.  They are the gold bricks of my world, but more valuable and infinitely more fun and useful.

I sleep in them: I have a wicker basket with cushion and fleece, but quite frankly I prefer cardboard boxes.

I hide in them: Boxes with flaps on top and handle holes cut into the sides are best; from there I can plan and spring ambushes.

I recycle them: They shred really well; not too easily like newspaper, not too hard like carpet.  It’s perfect for venting a few frustrations and shredded cardboard has a multitude of uses.  I was supervising the re-potting of strawberries the other day.  It is my self-appointed job to hold down the newspaper used to line the hanging baskets.  That potting mix stuff looks like it’s got shredded cardboard in it.  I like potting mix.  It’s great stuff to dig in but F gets a bit exercised about my efforts.

I’ve seen my cardboard shreddings going into the worm farm.  Apparently it makes good bedding.  Well I knew that already I just didn’t know that worms thought the same. 


Do worms think?

I have a cardboard box in nearly every room of the house; and 2 in the garage.

They are great insulation.  Shredded or whole, corrugated cardboard is a great thing to have between my behind and the back concrete.  The richest day in my life was moving house.  All those cardboard boxes nearly compensated for being shut in a basket for an afternoon.

 Mine.  All mine.

Even flattened and stacked on the concrete they were exciting and valuable.  I slept on them for days to guard them against thieves and predators.  A whole stack over a meter high! Mr B covered them to stop them getting wet and then some stranger took them away.  Brigand.  Thief.  Felon.

The Postman brings them.  Boxes with wine, boxes with cork tiles, boxes of books – I’ve opened them all.  They are no use full of human stuff.  Stuff.  F sometimes dumps newspapers, or her sewing off-cuts, or woodcarving projects into my dining room box.  That’s my best box; the one in the sun.  I just have to sit on the stuff or dig into it to make my point:  My box – get your stuff out of here.

I think I have over-exercised myself on the subject of cardboard boxes.  A nap might be in order.  My lounge box calls.

STUFF in my Dining Room Box


  1. Hari OM
    Nothing, no nothing, beats a good box. Many of the packing boxes which come to the Hutch are of the highest quality and my angel Jasper McCat would have LOVED them... hugs and whiskeries, YAM-aunty xxx

  2. Aunty YAM-rabbits live in hutches. Is your home a very small one shared with rabbits? Furrings and purrings Mr T

    1. hari OM
      MOL... YAMsters live in Hutches too, Mr T!!! (In truth, my flat is small by human standards - bed, bath, kitchen, lounge... but like you, it has a view of the water and shipping and also of hills and all things nice like that... but I have only two weeks here of respite before going back for another two or three months of cares for my father in Edinburgh. He doesn't have a mansion, but compared to The Hutch, it seems so!

      I like the link you gave below - who knew?!! H&W Y-a xxx

    2. Yamster😂🤣 We're still mopping up the tears. Hutch size is irrelevant, its how much you make it your home. F lived in a 24' boat before we came here so we know about small living spaces. She fitted its contents into a nissan micra! Enjoy your two weeks.

    Other people obviously value cardboard as much as I do.

  4. Yep our Mr Cat is the same. We can buy her toys etc and she prefers the boxes. So much so that my daughter bought her a cardboard castle earlier this week, it got the nod.

  5. Very own cardboard castle? I hope my humans are reading this.

  6. it's good as a weed mat too but ours usually goes into the recycling after Mr Cat has had fun with it.


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