
Foxes look like dogs, but they never pair up with humans.  Foxes around here come out at night more than in the daytime.  Maybe they do that everywhere, but they do come out in daytime too.  One day I got the fright of my short life to see a dog fox appear at the top of the backyard fence  (a fence that is brick at the bottom with vertical boards on top) and tiptoe quite nimbly along the top.  Even I get the wobbles doing that.  He went around the neighbour’s yard with the small yappy dogs and back down again behind the big plum tree.  He could have jumped straight into my yard.  He might catch a cat napping in what was meant to be a safe place!  He could jump onto the garage roof as easily as I can (from the fence).

Even the top of the beehive would become like a sacrificial alter if the fox caught me there.  I checked my personal door into the garage.  Another cat goes in there sometimes but I’ve comforted myself that a fox couldn’t fit through.

2 months after we moved to this house I dragged myself in one morning with a hole in my side.  There was blood.  I hid under the bunk beds. From there I heard Mr B use the ringing box to tell F I was bleeding.  He thinks it was a fox.  I’m not telling.
