Other Cats

We are not by nature sociable.  Dog-lovers call cats ‘stand-offish’, and allege we’re unattractive because we don’t bounce all over humans.  Well we don’t exactly bounce all over each other either, so why bounce on humans?  I save my bouncing for conveying a sense of urgency when my humans are slow to open doors for me; and for rib-poking purposes when they are asleep and I think they should be awake.  A 4-foot landing on the ribcage usually does the trick.  (It certainly makes them go ‘oooff’ as the air comes out and they sort of collapse and fold up.)

The Nasty Siamese.....
I am not sure whether I want ‘friends’ or not.  The older I get I suspect it is more of the ‘NOT’.  It our last house I made friends with Oskar (with the posh fur) but that was partly because he was constrained (restrained – he’s much bigger than me) and partly because he had interesting toys.

Here, a black and white feline thief used to sneak into my garage and steal anything left in my food bowl, but he hasn’t been around for a while.  I’d like to say I’d seen him off but suspect my humans would contradict me.

I have however ‘seen off’ that Orange cat with the scraggy tail.  He really should take a bit more pride in his appearance, pay more attention to grooming; the white bits are positively grubby.  We can’t have such low life slinking about my garden, leaving their smells, doing their pleading eyes on my humans.  They’re a soft bunch my humans; they fall for the ‘pleading eyes’ look.  I know, I pulled that stunt right at the start – while I was adopting them.  And I’m not having any competition around here.  Everything is mine, and I’m not sharing it.

(Secretary Note: Mr B tells me they’ve actually got 2 cats, both called Tigger, with identical markings.  There’s the “brave, bold ferocious Tigger”, and “Tigger the complete whimp”.  Strangely they have never seen both cats at the same time, but the contrast in their personalities is so stark, there absolutely has to be two of them!  The first one chases crows, conducts stand-offs with foxes, and strolls up to the Common unaccompanied; the second one cowers in the dining room while a blackbird sits on the plant pots on the patio and shouts abuse).
