Mr B & F got all dressed up recently – fancy waistcoat, bow tie, sparkly bits – and went away somewhere at night. I got shut out of the house, but I did see some fireworks. Maybe that was where they went….
The next day was really sunny… really, really sunny. We haven’t seen that for a while. F went to the allotment; she had those boots on so I know where she was going. Mr B carried me up there a bit later on. The Common was up to his ankles in water so I wasn’t keen to walk myself. I can do ‘carried’ if we are crossing a lake.
By the time we got to the allotment, F had a bonfire going. She was burning all the hedge-clippings and some old pallets. Shame about the pallets; I had adopted the pile as a suitable observation tower for supervising a wider area. However I rather like a campfire. They got the chairs out of the shed and we all sat enjoying the sun and the warm fire – and Mr B prodded the fire from time to time.
Despite the sun there weren’t many people about but two small humans turned up briefly with a large human in attendance so I went to check them out, and offer some pointers on their allotment. They didn’t stay long; I think the large human was discouraged by the mini-lake (small humans love that much water for some reason, but they were quickly dragged away. Sensible too; water is dreadful stuff).
My allotment is nearly as underwater as the Common. F said her rhubarb box is a duck pond, but it seems to have been useful for washing things in. She dug up some things she calls yams, so there was a lot of mud to contend with. While she was poking around in the mud and slurry, I just found some high ground near the hedge and tormented the dogs that were being promenaded along the public footpath on the other side. I can let them know I am watching them if I want to, and they go berserk – straining about on the end of their strings. They can’t get at me, and their owners get annoyed at them for barking and not paying attention to walking in straight lines.
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