Crunchy Topping

What do you like on top of your breakfast?  Cream and Sugar?  Jam?  Tomato Sauce? (Ketchup or Catsup...not sure what cats supping has to do with that stuff.)  You humans eat some weird combinations.

I like crunchy topping.  It has become absolutely essential for transforming the bland and ordinary into an acceptable meal.  My staff get a bit lazy from time to time and forget (or deliberately omit) to properly garnish and present my meals.

It's probably junk food but I like it, and I have decided that I won't eat my meals without it.  The humans are beginning to get the message, but I still have to bury the occasional meal that simply doesn't cut the mustard.

It's just a pity that mice don't come ready coated in the stuff - now that would be gourmet dining.
