Police Patrols

Now that the sun has come out it is going to be increasingly difficult to get people to stay indoors.

Police in cars and on motorbikes are constantly patrolling past our apartment bleeping on their alarms and sirens and making loud announcements.  Some of them stop at the top of the rickety stairs and blow whistles at the sunbathers.  Most of the sunbathers have got sneaky now and hide behind rocks when the hear the police bikes are cars coming round the point on the far side of the inlet.

I told you our beach has places to hide. (Cats do it better though.)

One thing I have noticed about police since we have started seeing so many of them going past here - is that they are like English buses.  We get about 4 at a time - two police motorbikes of two people each,or two police cars of two people each, always travelling in company whenever they go past. 

One would be inclined to think that they could broadcast their message more effectively (if broadcasting the message is all they aim to achieve) if they spread themselves out a bit, and perhaps chose to broadcast it in the streets the people are coming FROM, rather than only this in one that they are all coming TO.

They must be driving around in circles, first the motorbikes, and then the cars and then the car with the council logo and loud-hailer announcement, and then the motorbikes and then..... round and round

They are totally disturbing the peace out here.

AND - where were all these police when our apartment got broken into and I had to face  down the burglars on my own?  You wait months for police and then dozens all in the same day.
