Moult Season

Moult season is itchy season.  F is complaining that there are ‘great lumps of fur’ all over the place.  That’s her problem.  My problem is to find a good groom.

The order of my day (once F puts in an appearance) goes

1. Breakfast

2. Quick wash

3. Visit to the bathroom (I have my own bathroom)

4. Remind F I need a really good back scratch, and brush my fur.  She sometimes needs several prompts and I occasionally have to resort to a quick spike in the lower leg.

I do the chin bit myself.

5. Some more scratching and brushing (particularly to finish off the hair-do on my forehead and between my ears)

6. Check how much fur is stuck in the brush and give it a sniff (it goes into the compost)

7. Decide which place I will take my first nap of the day.

Yesterday might have been human moult season.  F went out for half and hour and came back with a lot less hair.  I notice her moult didn’t go in the compost.

