Small Humans and Noise & Devastation

A small human visited today; a particularly small version of a human, but a self-propelling one.  It swept through the place like a one-small-human tornado.  F never had kids but she's generally not bad about understanding what kids are attracted to and what their parents don't want them to play with (usually the things they are attracted to).

So she had moved a few bits of stuff out of the way in advance.

What she had forgotten is that small humans open cupboards and drawers close to the floor.  The bottom drawer in the kitchen is the one with all the craft knives, screwdrivers, balls of string, metal tape measures .....  The small human found it before it's Mum had even dropped her back pack on the floor by the door.

I followed the small human about at a safe distance (easy to simply follow the trail of destruction) and just marvelled at its capacity for finding stuff its mother had to confiscate.  The small human turned out to be 'jump-out-of-your-skin' scared of cats. HA!

A few close passes were called for, just to enforce my untouchability.

At one stage small human got caught sampling my left-over catfood, F elevated the food onto my crow's nest and they turned around to find small human inspecting my bathroom and litter tray. 

Tee-hee-hee.  My howling off the aft balcony is a minor inconvenience in a co-habitee compared to sharing your space with a small human.


  1. Hari OM
    OMC, Mr T... I don't cope at all well with wee hyoomons like that. I wuz defo missed out on the mothering gene!!! I do my best to avoid the little B......... errr, blighters. I do hope F hasn't got PTSD from the visit. You, it seems, took it full in your stride! Hugs and whiseries, YAM-aunty xxx

    1. Actually F is get-down-on-the-ground-and-make-mud tuned into small humans, it's just difficult to be a kid, and host their parents at the same time. The best small human entertainment we have found around here is save glass things to chuck in the bottle bank in front of our apartment - and let them break glass for a while. Works a treat.

    2. ...not to mention useful! That might be the trick, make tasks into playtime. Yxx

  2. My laugh for the day :))
    Small humans have as much if not more curiosity than cats do!

  3. Small humans are like baby snakes. Much more deadly than their adult counterparts lol

  4. I have to say I'm not that tolerant of little ones these days now that my 3 are all grown up.

    1. I, the Tigger, have learned to tolerate small humans more as I age - deafness might have something to do with it.


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