In a Strop


Mr B came home last night. I should be happy but I'm so annoyed at him for going away and staying away so long that I've decided not to talk to him for a while - make him work for my renewed favour.

He thinks he can weedle his way back into my good graces with treats, but I refuse to be tempted.

I tried to stop him getting into bed by sitting on the cover right across the front of his pillow.  He just put the pillow at the other end of the bed so i ended sleeping by his feet. 


I'm going to sit on my  condo and sulk for a while.


  1. We know how you feel Tigger. We hate Mum and Dad going out at any time. When they stay in for the day we let them know that we are happy, we roll around showing our tummies and even make a nuisance of ourselves by trying to lay down on their jigsaws just to get close. Don't carry your strop on for too long though after all it was good of him to lay the other way and not just push you off the bed.
    Rupert, Rowan, Princess, Willow and Mummy Polly. xxxxx

    1. Ha - now jigsaws I get. I've even blogged about it - you humans aren't at all keen on having we keepers of the house lying on your little bits of coloured cardboard. I'll definitely come round when he starts another jigsaw. F's been sleeping the wrong way round for weeks - how is a cat supposed to work out which end to jump on?

  2. Hari OM
    Oh my, Mr T... don't sulk too long - your furs may become dulled! Hugs and whiskeries, YAM-aunty xxx

    1. I might relent if he stops F from doing the dreaded toothpaste. Hope you are getting better sleep now YAM -aunty. xxxx Mr T

    2. Hari OM
      Thank you Mr T... it has been a turbulent week, but there is some more quality sleep slowly working it's way in! Yxx

  3. Really Tigger, you should be welcoming Mr B back home after he has been away so long. Naughty puss!

  4. Didn't he come bearing gifts for
    a Tigger?? A tin of salmon would have made you purrrrrrr

    1. Lots of treats, I'm coming round. It will be all good when we are back to winter time TV watching together.

  5. Oh my. You are in a strop
    I’m sure you will forgive him eventually


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