
Speaking (or writing) of vices (a few weeks ago - re F eating Christmas food), I could make a vice out of Valerian, if I could just work out where F has hidden it. She brought some home yesterday, telling Mr B that tea from it is supposed to help her sleep better.

I got the packet to play with.

Oh la la...

There is a pile of shredded fabric off-cuts near the sewing machine.  F has assured me she is going to stuff them into a new 'rat'

(rats from the past include demin rat, chino rat, corduroy rat and the new one looks like being navy drill rat... can you tell they are made of the bits F cuts off Mr B's  trews when she makes them the same length as his legs?)

I hope the new rat smells of valerian.


  1. Hari OM
    OMC, Tigger... are you as hooked on catnip too??? D'ya need an intervention, a support buddy, a tough love mama??? Hugs and whiskeries, YAM-aunty xxx

    1. About 5 minutes of rat-killing a couple of times a week is usually enough for me. What's that in alcohol units? If my rats have lost their tang and I really feel like fresh catnip I try to investgate the fridge when it's open. The fridge has never been a larder for me but F used to keep my catnip in there when I was young and agile, because I could climb to every other place they tried to hide it. We used to have catnip in the garden. Fresh is best. xxx Mr T

  2. Hope you enjoy your new rat Tigger :))

  3. Valerian will help you sleep although I don’t think you need too much help with that. What a great idea to use up those scraps. I might have to try it

    1. You are welcome - my feline cousin in your household will thank you. xxx

  4. hmmm I wonder how long the rat will last though? Mr Cat and the neighbourhood cats like my catnip plants.

    1. Amy, cats (including me) liked F's catnip plants so much she eventually put wire hanging baskets upside down over them (held down with stout tent pegs) so we could only eat the bits that grew through the basket and not destroy them down to the roots.


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