The Flags are out and the house martins are returning

Today is Greek Independecnce celebration day. 200 years this year. We will apparently be treated to a display of military aircraft over the Saronic.

Flags are out on balconies all up and down our street. From our picnic lunch place on the beach on Monday we could see a huge Greek flag 'painted' on the mountain behind the Athens southern suburbs.  It is too far away for us to photograph.

Here's one they brought back from their bike ride last Sunday



There is a Greek flag in our patairi, rolled onto a stripy pole. I've seen it when I have been exploring the dark corners of this storage space over the bathroom.  I like it up there but can't get into it by myself. Mostly it  contains christmas decorations and skiing gear in boxes, but there are corners behind the water heating tank that even the humans can't get into.

The house martins put in their first appearances yesterday. There will be a day very soon when the air is full of them. Swifts will also show up at about the same time. The house martins sit on the power line in front of our balcony and chatter loudly.


  1. What are house martins
    Enjoy the spectacle and hopefully you will be able to go out and enjoy
    Some celebrations

    1. House martins are little birds with forked tails that nest in things they build under the eaves - and fly to Africa for the winter. Their return is like a herald of the turn of the season.

    2. Lovely thanks. Welcome spring

  2. i am sure you will welcome the Martins because it means spring is here... I did not know about your day of Independence, it sounds much like our July 4th Independence day here in USA.. we fly flags also.. Happy 200th birthday....

  3. We have seen a few Martins around.
    Love to watch them swoop and dive.
    Our flag is waving today.

    1. Helicopters going round and round in front of us this morning. We saw our first swifts in the afternoon - all 3 of us lay on the beach and watched them.

  4. Hari OM
    Housemartins are fun birds... don't think I have seen them here by the Hutch though... maybe just a tad too far north for them! We do get swallows. But not yet...

    χαρούμενη μέρα ανεξαρτησίας!!! Hugs and whiskeries, YAM-aunty xxx

  5. We get swifts, swallows and martins - all fabulous in flight; I notice how in wet years when the insects are fewer how there are fewer birds too. The swallows sometimes nest on our house - what a mess and a noise, but they are gone soon enough, and then I miss them.

    1. F wanted some nesting here, but mess (and a Tigger) was likely to be an issue. Instead we enjoy some that occupy a ledge in an under-building carpark space along the road.

  6. Have fun, good to see you getting into it with your flag.


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