Shed Locks


  1. We love shedding our locks especially just after they have hoovered, meow, meow. (cat laugh)
    Mummy Polly, Rowan and Rupert are especially good at it and love to leave great lumps all over the place.
    Mum has been combing us a lot more just recently but we still manage to coax more out,

    Rupert, Rowan,Willow. Princess and Mummy Polly

    1. I've stopped leaving great tufts of it, but seem to walk about in a grey haze of shedding fur. xxx Mr T

  2. Hari OM
    ...okaaayyy... am hoping F is the shedder in this instance as those look rather exaggerated to be yours! Hugs and whiskeries, YAM-aunty xxx

    1. It was me - F just rolled them into shed-locks for me. We haven't started on my tummy fur yet....

  3. shed locks, I am laughing my head off!!! love it love it love it

  4. When our cats were just inside cats there was always fur flying everywhere
    It was a constant battle to keep it under control but now they are allowed to come and go. It’s not bad at all
    One cat decided she loved it outside so much she’s not come back in Just sleeps on the outside furniture in the outdoor room

    1. Mr T had to transition the other way, from largely outdoor English cat to, balcony dwelling Greek one. It does stop this business in Winter - even here - but we've just been through a heatwave.


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