When the Moon Hits Your Eye Like a Big ...

 ... Apricot?

I know, I know ... it's 'like a big pizza pie', but that's corny isn't?  Besides my humans (particularly Mr B) make pizzas.  They never call 'em pizza pie.

Just 'pizza'.

After three days of strong wind and rough sea, a vet day, and on not much sleep, F looked at the now calm (and empty of swimmers) sea around 2030 and gave in and went for a swim. She thinks I was sleeping but I watched her.  If she fell asleep and started drowning someone would have to raise the alarm .... there's a cat to feed.

She sculled around on her back and I could see she was watching the swifts scything around in the sky.  Then she pointed out the moon rising over the rocks on the sunrise side of our inlet just as the last of sunlight was draining away on the other side of our firmament. She later commented that it looked like an apricot in the sky.  

An apricot?  Really?  I suppose it was round and about the right colour - one of the pale ones.

It doesn't make a catchy line in a song though .

Back on the balcony she tried to photograph it, but phone cameras are useless for that kind of thing and as the moon slid behind a grey fat cloud (YES A REAL CLOUD!), the opportunity was gone.  When it first bloomed up from behind the rocks the apricot moon was peeping through the gum trees, and if you stared straight at it you could kind of pretend you were somewhere less urban.

see? rubbish! - I did warn you.  Tell you what though, there is  a good game in pointing out the shapes in the bits of cloud illuminated by the moon.  Small terrier.

Bed time.  


  1. Hari OM
    Oh yes, I am sure there is a party going on in those clouds and that Westie is determined to get the crumbs! I was checking out the moon at 2340 tonight - big and full and also with clouds and also a peachy colour... though when photographed that colour drains a bit. I did manage one with the ISS floating by too... keep an eye out, it'll turn up on the blog sometime soon! I trust you are feeling stronger today, Mr T? Hugs and whiskeries, YAM-aunty xxx

    1. Is there a filter you could use on a fsncy camera to capture/ enhance the colour? Phones can't do it, you have to mess with a colour overlay afterwards. The lights along our street also mess with the phone's 'light perception' and make getting a moonshot difficult. Furrings and purrings Mr T

    2. Hari Om
      Well one could use filters (and I used to have all the guffings) but mostly I operate the exposures and ISOs and light balance to do the best I can... mostly works. It is true that the extraneous light from the streets mucks things up. Yxx

  2. OH for a moonlight swim. I don't think I'm brave enough any more. Must have been wonderful. Wasn't it nice having clouds for a change. Our sea yesterday was noticeably a few degrees cooler and so was the evening air.
    Your camera takes much better photos than mine. When I try to photo the moon it comes out as a pin dot, like an oregano speck on a pizza pie. Now I've got that song on the brain!

    1. I suspect she tried to zoom at it. The colour didn't work though, the orangeyness didn't show.

  3. while I was reading all your entertaining to me rubbish, i was castrophizing over, what if someone came while she was swimming and snatched up the cat pack and ran away with you. i don't even walk in dark and look at the moon, much less get in water in the dark. bob swims in our pool in the back yard in the dark, not me. the lights have to be on..

    1. I was watching from my satellite dish on the balcony. She can see me watching from there too. It wasn't dark when she went - the moon was sort of coming up in daylight, the last daylight. We did go to the beach in the dark last night and watch the bat aerial stunt team together, but I'll blog about that later. Get brave - get some underwater lights in your pool and go swimming in the dark. The dark is 'cool'. xxx Mr T

  4. Not having gone swimming in the ocean in forever, I think I might have jumped in and joined. I love my phone camera, and there are probably ways to snap that perfect photo of the moon. I just don't know how to do it :-)

    1. You live in a big country - so it must be a long way to go. I bet there are people who live, and die an old age there and never see the sea. F's from a little island (by comparison) and has lived all her life by sea. (Mores the pity!) xxx Mr T (who hates water)

  5. We can never see the moon at night here, always too cloudy. Got your comment about the camera, nope it was gone out of the car, probably sold to someone, hopefully insurance will cover it.

  6. A late swim sounds heavenly
    I’ve tried taking pics of the moon and yes. Phones are not the best for that
    It’s nice to know that wherever you are in th world. We are all looking at the same moon
    Makes everyone seem closer somehow

    1. Nice thought. We'll hold on to that. And we guess it's the same full moon we saw too.


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