Babysitting Aunty Panagiota.

When we go on holiday Aunty Panagiota lives in our apartment, waters plants, collects mail, and keeps it safe from burglars.

Burglars aren't fun. I was in the apartment the day the burglars came in 2019. I was cagey about everything for a long time after that.

Since then F has never gone on a holiday without me - even a day out on the train.

Yesterday Mr B's daughter and boyfriend were meant to be here and, as we can't all fit in the van with luggage and my travelling accoutrements, plans were made for 4 humans to go on a little tour and I had to stay behind and babysit Aunty Panagiota.

The relations from England didn't come after all, but F hadn't booked pet friendly holiday accommodation so there has been no change of plans for me...


I like Aunty Panagiota but I like my humans better, even if we are travelling to strange places (which isn't really a cat thing - we do 'established territories').

I like my van a lot. That is definitely my territory.  Last weekend we went for a drive around a mountain and I sat on F's knees and watched the city and suburban landscape go by. We went out towards the airport to see what grows in the countryside around here (F's thing) and never really got out of built up residential or low rise industrial landscapes.

It was only when we got back that Aunty P said we should have visited a cave at Pernea.

Pernea was left.  We went right to Koropi.

So here I am, eating my dinner and waiting for postcards.

And babysitting Aunty Panagiota......

.....who can be a bit wild at times.

PS. F made her that scary pink dress.


  1. Hari OM
    ...but wait... the impawtant news in there is the UK relos didn't turn up - which would be a bit devastating to your peeps. I am afraid, Mr T, that on this occasion, you demonstrate full feline narcissism and fret only about your place, showing little caring for how your peeps might be feeling. You are on a good wicket, being fed and watered and loved on by aunty P! Jus' sayin'. hugs and whiskeries, YAM-aunty xxx

  2. sorry you had to baby sit your aunty, but also glad you have her to babysit, that must have been horrible home alone with a burglar... prayers for a safe trip for them and a fun visit with your auntie for you.

  3. It’s nice to have a holiday with a lovely aunty
    I’m so sorry you were traumatised by the burglars.
    They are some nasty people I hope they were caught and punished


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