Fashion Parade

I go to Cosmozoo on my Donkey.  I greet my fans there while F carries my shopping list around the shelves of cat-food and gathers up my preferences.

Sometimes I look down my nose at dressed-up K9s - usually very small ones.  From my perch atop my Donkey I feel superior and safe.  I asked F to take this photo of the sorts of fashions that are available for small K9s.

I mean - seriously - do humans really think that looking like a princess or a lumberjack or a football star really matters to even the silliest of K9s?  

A coat is a coat is a coat - isn't it?  Warmth and waterproof would do - I acknowledge that some of them are a bit short on insulation, and I wouldn't deny them basic comforts (even if they are K9s).

There is even jewelry available to bling up their collars.  Can't eat it, doesn't keep you warm, so what's the point of that? 

Note that I have not derided them for travelling in handbags, they might have posh clothing but they clearly can't afford Donkeys.


  1. Tigger, I have been owned by more than 30 dogs in my lifetime and have NEVER put clothing on any of them but one. That was Max, Bob had on his Dallas Cowboys T shirt and we put his other Dallas shirt on Max and I took a photo of them dancing in the living room. of course we never lived where it was cold enough to need clothing like what we see in your photo... Beau is feeling better, details in the am. we think someone threw food over the fence

  2. Hari OM
    Crikey - there's dressing and there is dressing! Says more about the owners than the pooches. Who, let's face it, are probably given no choice in the matter. Functional coats, fine. Froofery, foolish... hugs and whiskeries, YAM-aunty xxx

  3. When my poodle was a puppy I did dress her up occasionally but
    She didn’t really like it so I stopped.
    She’s adorable enough with out the bling and fru fru

  4. A simple over coat is all they need - I’m sure if i had ever had a dog that’s all I’d of ‘dressed’ them in. Enough to keep the rain off.

  5. Im not really a coat type of person maybe it's cos it really doesn't get that cold up here where we are in the far north, I'll soon change my mind once we get to the west coast


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