
We borrowed this photo - a friend of ours has been house-sitting a cat (not me) and after a tussle with the cat the night before over some cat-preference or other, got up in the morning to discover the cat had filled the kettle with cat biscuits.  

Not sure how....but I bet it got the message across about who is really in charge there.


  1. Replies
    1. That's what I have been wondering - it might be a useful skill to have. xxx Mr T

  2. Hari OM
    MOL - could there ever be any doubt??!!! Hugs and whiskeries, YAM-aunty xxx

    1. Some humans appear to have their own ideas about that. We have to keep them in line. Fz and Ps Mr T

  3. That rather looks like someone got into their biscuits ate too much and boked it all up while they just happened to be hovering around the kettle. The trail down the side indicates where it was moving backwards whilst projecting said articles forwards 😊

  4. oh yuck on Cathy's idea of what happened. I am wondering is said cat spent the entire night moving those things one by one, OR did said cat drag the bag and dump it all at one time. I can't SEE this in my mind and now wondering if perhaps the sitter, sleep walks and did it OR a burgular broke in and did it.
    I do wish Ctrl Z woudl put back those disapearing comments. and it seems to happen on the long ones and then I can't remember the thrilling comment I wanted to leave

    1. I figured cat had to have knocked a bag of biscuits off a shelf but they aren't all over the place. The cat staged it!

  5. I would say a human staged and blamed a cat Tigger. Not that you cats would not be capable.

  6. We will never understand cats...

  7. Oh my that’s hilarious. It would of taken ages I suspect. Moving a few biscuits at a time.
    Patience and holding a grudge for that long. Some cats are just pure evil lol 😝


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