F threw an open magazine down on Mr B's side of the bed. The page was open on a story about keas. (F loves keas)

I decided it would be a good thing to sleep on at night, so I slept on keas all that summer. That was a couple of years ago. We can't remember what last years magazine story was about. I absorbed it slowly.

This year....

A-Z is a brand of map book that must be struggling to survive in this modern age of satellite directed, talk to you, navigational devices. At one stage every second person in London must have owned one. (They make them for other towns and cities too.) A-Z comes in sizes from 'fits your pocket' all the way up to an A3 (or thereabouts). 

Our old (very old) A3 sized A-Z of London has has a few pages ripped out to aid in recycling cardboard packaging for gift pack purposes.

....and the rest of it is now open on the bed. It's bigger than a magazine and it doesn't have that hard spine, so now I am slowly absorbing 'The Knowledge' - the encyclopedic memory of every route to every address in London that a London cabbie has to have before they can get a London Black Cab licence.

No satellite guided, talk to you, nonsense for them.

Did you know that apparently London Cabbies have been shown to have enlarged hippocampus in their brains. It's the bit associated with learning and memory. What you don't believe me? Go look it up.  Meanwhile I shall continue work on enlarging my hippocampus.


  1. I can see a whole new career opening up for you Tigger - the Best Kitty Cabbie in London!

  2. Hari Om
    Oh yes, I knew about The Knowledge as a friend of my sister's decided he wanted a career change (from nursing) and found it almost more challenging than all the biological studies he'd done before! (I realise I don't know if he ever completed that process. It was a few years ago - note to self, ask S about that!) You though, Tigger, love to inculcate for the pure and simple pleasure of learning and that you can rest while doing so - well every student would wish to have that talent!!! And I am superimpressed with F's reccycling rewrapping idea! Hugs and whiskeries, YAM-aunty xxx

    1. F hates throwing out round things with lids that fit, so they become just another afternoon of pottering about on the kitchen floor from time to time. Glue and scissors.

  3. That looks like taxi-ng work there Mr T.

    1. We just love the way your brain works JayCee.

  4. Beau and I would be your first passengers if we could get across the pond. this is very interesting, we looked at the link and listened to the call of the kea, our first time seeing or hearing of one. the magazine is purrfect for your body and I can see your head is a little bigger due to the growth of brain knowledge. I the mama might start sleeping with my head on a book/magazine as soon as I find one about senior memory problems. I like the reuse of the pages for wrapping paper

    1. Some time when you are bored YouTube kea the smartest bird. You will get an idea why F loves tgem so much. She used to work in mountains where they live wild and has seen first gand how vleved they are.

  5. Gail still has two old A-Z's of London, much thumbed, on her bookshelf here in Aberdeen. During the 16 years she lived in London she cycled everywhere (before it became the 'in' thing to do, as she likes to tell people, perhaps a bit too often). As she lived in both North and SW London, and worked variously in Central London. Isleworth and Croydon, and enjoyed exploring the other parts on her bicycle too, she used to claim to have an almost 'knowledge' level mental map of the city's geography. She will confess though, that after 23 years in Scotland, that knowledge has faded a bit!

  6. There's an Agatha Christie based on the A to Z. Maybe you could sleep on that and see if you like it?

  7. Lots of Keas here for Tigger to find out about, we haven't seen any here on the West Coast but there are lots of Wekas

  8. I used to hate it when I was following the maps the bit in the middle
    Every time it seemed the one place I was going was in the middle of the double page
    I actually think the talk to you as you drive version is so much better. I use it all the time
    It’s like having company in the car with you without the staples


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