Big Bug

He/she/it was backed by a beautiful sunset but my silly F couldn't disable the flash on her photographing gizmo without her glasses, and then her taxi arrived, so no beautiful sunset setting.
Him fella bug was on the tallest of tall sunflowers in our garden. (The dots underneath is the lamp post on the other side of the road.) Sunflowers are quite hairy things aren't they!

We haven't heard many of these guys this summer. I wonder where they all went.


  1. We haven't either. Usually a deafening chorus. This year, you might ssy, crickets!

  2. Hari OM
    Methinks you don't want too many of these guys bunched together, Tigger. Locusts are not the friends of plants when they gang up! Handsome one-on-one though, eh? Hugs and whiskeries, YAM-aunty xxx

  3. the flash gave us all the details. yes there are a lot of fuzzies on sunflowers. most of our different kinds of bugs and butterflies and bees are not here this year. the bees worry me

  4. Is it a grasshopper or a cicada (as we call them here)? I quite like them.

  5. Still a great photo. Yes sunflowers are hairy. Never noticed before

  6. How very cool!! Thanks so much for sharing it on Nature Friday :-)


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