Bald Spot

My tail has a bald spot.  There I was lying in the sun which filtered through the wobbly glass on our front door,  and then I was tearing up the stairs and a lump of my fur had been left behind.  It wasn’t my fault that the sun patch just happened to be behind F’s office chair.  She claims she didn’t know I was there until she skidded her chair backwards and I screeched and ran away leaving a lump of fur on the carpet.


She has learned her lesson – to look behind her before reversing.  Fortunately the chair only encroached on my fur. My tail structure is undamaged and the fur will probably grow back;  and it was on the underside of my tail so you can’t see it unless I get tipped upside down. 

Callously, F scooped up the lost fur and put it in a jar with all the fur brushings.  She is going to put them in a net off a bag of oranges and hang it in the seed feeder tree to see if birdies want cat fur to line their nests.  If it works, a generation of birdies will grow up comfortable with the smell of cat fur. 

That could have its benefits ….


  1. Ouch, Tigger. I hope your fur grows back again, and I'm sure the little birdies will just love your soft fur to snuggle into :)

    1. I hope they like it, i nearly gave blood for that donation.

  2. Ouch. Poor you Tigger. Let's hope that fur grows back soon.

    1. Fortunately fur has always grown back in the past (otherwise i would have sported a bikini look for the rest of my life after my tummy scans in Greece.)

  3. Oh dear. That chair needs a back up beeper.

    1. F here: good idea but the poor deaf feline wouldn't hear it. He admits to nothing and his humans have (mostly) resorted to communication by vibration and floor thumping. Ok, so the chair needs a reversing floor thumper.

  4. Oh no! That’s definitely an Ouchie moment.
    Poor mummy must of felt awful. Big hugs to both of you

    1. She did give me lots of cuddles that i squirmed out of.

  5. Hari OM
    Oh my word... an unscheduled 'waxing' moment! Not fun. Though I agree the fur for feathers exchange could be interesting... hugs and whiskeries, YAM-aunty xxx

  6. Oh, poor Tigger, but really, you shouldn't leave your tail lying around, You know humans don't always look where they - or their chairs - are going.

  7. What would life be Moki without appreciation of obscure benefits? Real benefits are often hard to identify in some of the mad stuff that happens (wars and earthquakes come to mind).

  8. I am thinking that since you are such a smart cat that you will never again be behind that chair when it gets ready to reverse. I'm so glad that your tail was not harmed except for loss of fur it could have been worse. I am happy for you and for f and I know it broke her heart to hear you yell. You would think that it would be hard to back over Bo as big as he is but I have done it not with a chair but just with myself and stepped on his foot

  9. Nothing to say Tigger ‘cept the sky’s the limit. Better up there than down below where the traffic is. Pick a spot on a sunny windowsill instead.

  10. Poor Tigger, us hoomans need to check before we move chairs, hopefully he didn't get too much of a fright

  11. Oops! A little temporary bald spot isn't the end of the world! I know that living with a small dog means we are constantly dancing around trying not to step on him. Hopefully we won't break something avoiding him!


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