
Well the corgi disappeared and F was really disappointed.  Was it stolen, or did the artist remove it?  She avoided that corner for a while to digest the disappointment, then rounded the corner the other day to discover that a replacement corgi had been installed.  

Now isn't that a good corgi?  Clearly made in a different wood, but made by someone who knows their Corgies.  It even still has it's tail (which is a good thing).

We like it's nose.

It is the kind of k9 that I can get on with.


  1. Well wooden ya know it. Someone's been barking up the wrong tree.

  2. What an amazing K9 wood carving Tigger. Would you strike a pose and let them make a carving of you?

    1. No chance. I only come in a flesh and fur version.

  3. It's very cute and clever, he's taking a nap

  4. Such a neat carving, and so real looking. I am wondering, Tigger - can you get on with this K9 because a corgi is smaller or is it because this one is made of wood? I know you would get on with Rusty, because he is so tiny that cats always boss him around :)

    1. F was disappointed that I hid from a miniature dachshund so we suspect Rusty would be treated as a threat despite his diminutive size. I like the corgi because it is just a piece of wood really.

  5. Oh so clever. Such detail. I hope it’s there for a very long time.

  6. The one without a tail is the Pembroke corgi. With a tail it's the other breed, the Cardigan corgi. So I guess someone was providing both breeds.

    1. Boud, because tail docking is now illegal in UK, both breeds have long tails (most Pembroke corgis having been born with them as a natural appendage).

  7. Beautiful carving - such talent some people have. I'm glad there is a corgi there again - it seems fitting.

  8. well done to the artist, it is beautiful and the Queen would love it I am sure. Hope they anchored it really well so it doesn't disapear, next time take a photo of the entire tree, I want to see it. I like wood carving and you are right, this dog would be perfect for you sweet Tigger


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