Postcards from Nelson Bays

Te Waikoropupu Springs - these were taken at the start of the walk. Better info is in this link. It involves water (of course it does) but if I was there in my backpack I would be able to look at it from a safe place. F said the postcards are not of water but of art and wildlife because she knew I wouldn't appreciate water.

Weka - a kind of rail and about the size of a scrawny chook (this is a teenage one). They are adept at stealing things and running away ....very fast


  1. Wow, that looks like a brilliant place to explore (and even though I'm a terrier, I'm fascinated by water). Gail loves the art in that last photo.

  2. awesome art in the first two and that was the first thing I thought of when I saw the bar of light across the sun. I like the signs about water and the art it creates. We see that at our beaches. the last piece of art, the eel looks really MAD

  3. Hari OM
    OOOOOHHHHHH... Lovely artworks (and water shots - shhh... the sitter is pawmitted some postcards too, Tigger mate...) MMeeeaaoooowwwww... Okay. It's your blog, yes I know.... sheesh... hugs and whiskeries, YAM-aunty xxx

  4. Thanks for sharing Tigger. Great art.

  5. Looks like F is revisiting the land of her youth. Lovely pictures. Seize the day, Tigger to explain to the sitter that you do, too, get chicken and treats all the time.

  6. Looks awesome. I can’t remember if I’ve been there. Our trip to New Zealand was a bit of a blur. But I do remember how beautiful it was.

  7. Oh, I do hope you enjoy your visit to those Springs - they are one of my favourite places to visit :)

  8. Beautiful springs, very inviting. The art work is stunning, with the colours of water (to me, anyway)

  9. Looks like F had an early start- sunrise over water is always special.

  10. We were almost going to move there before we came here but decided the house prices were a bit above my budget, hope you're enjoying your holiday.


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