

This wagtail is in London's Borough Market.  F noticed it on her way to work one morning, scouring the pavement for food crumbs.  When she stopped to look at it, it ran towards her boots.  Mad bird - it has clearly developed the idea that humans are there to feed it.

Unfortunately the birds in our backyard - that are being fed by my humans - have not developed any mad ideas about running towards the occupants of our home (me in particular).  The crows are getting bold, it is true, and no longer fly away but simply hop a bit further up the lawn when humans come outdoors.  They don't run away from me at all, but there is no way I am going to tangle with a crow.  They look armed and dangerous.

NB dictated before my humans went awol. They have promised me postcards from foreign places but the post seems very slow. I'm training the catsitter .... and waiting for postcards.


  1. I’ll say hello to the wagtail when I go to the markets for you
    Hopefully it’s still there. Annoying the humans lol

  2. Tigger, be warned. Crows are not only armed and dangerous, they are super intelligent too!

  3. I hope you get some nice postcards Tigger.

  4. tell the catsitter and F that we want documented photos and words of what you do when they return home. I would be afraid of those crows too

  5. Hari OM
    ...you and me both, Tigs, mate. Postcard waiting that is. You have me well under your paw already. Last night's fat tail episode defeated me a bit. But I'll be ready for you next time you spring that surprise... Hugs and whiskeries, YAM-aunty xxx

  6. You look a bit woeful there Tigger. Awaiting their return?

    1. Door openers were in short supply that day.

  7. Ah, Tigger, you look so sad by the door. I'm sure postcards will arrive soon.
    I love wagtails but don't often see them.

    1. We get different coloured ones (sort of yellow/grey) in our garden sometimes.


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