Guest Editor


Ummm. Hi.


I say, is this thing turned on? You mean I just talk to it? 


A couple of months ago while scoping out the neighbourhood, I squeezed under a gate by a collections of bins, and discovered a hedgehog wonderland.  There was a kindly old cat who assured me he wouldn't mess with my explorations.  He also said that a daily helping of his leftover food gets delivered to the garden so I should stick around.

I haven't seen him recently, but I found a terracotta igloo at the top of his garden, so I moved in.  Des Res. Well the interior needs a bit of decorating, you know....a few home comforts...., but in general terms it seems weatherproof.  It is backed into a compost heap, and a human has attempted to pack half a bale of hay around it so it might be warmish in winter, and as he had said, there appears to be regular hand outs of food supplements lying about the nearby grass area. The garden is a bit unkempt (good thing in my view, lots of places to be unseen) and there is loads of compost (which generally means worms, centipedes and yummy stuff like that) so comestibles are in reasonably good supply. 

Every night after I have completed my grid search around the bird feeders, I squeeze back out under the gate and trot off the see my friends.

They have noticed I have put on a little weight....

These pellets are good by the way. What did you say was in them? Insects huh? Have you got any more? What are these crunchy things? Cat biscuits😱?! Actually they're ok, bit crunchy, but ok. I like that mushy meat food best though.

What do you mean everyone wants the meaty food? There's only me and that bat out here in the dark, and he's dashing about catching airborne fresh food.

Oohhhh you mean them? They followed me home. Can you build any more of those igloos?  That big fellow over there has been wooing the little female; lots of huffing going on - she'll be needing an upgrade with extra bedrooms..... I don't want them getting designs on my lodge.

By the way, did you know I like apples? A small helping of melon perhaps or a tomato - I've noticed you have some tomatoes ripening in those hanging baskets I can't reach. You could spare one of those couldn't you?

How was that then? Have I got a future in 'creating content'?

Do guest editors get paid? A little fruit basket perhaps? 


  1. I should say you've earned a permanent spot, though it will be a bit quiet during hibernation. Great stuff!

    1. I'll sell my slot to one of those crows that hang about during the day time.

  2. The 'guest editor' did a fabulous job. He is adorable. We do hope to hear from him again.

    1. It seems that letting myself be seen in daylight back when I found the place has paid dividends.

  3. I think you'll get through to the second interview. It then depends who else applies.

    1. I shall see to it that the job is not advertised. I have contacts you know. Nepotism and all that.

  4. I LOVE THIS! Truly I do... they are just too adorable for words, and very well spoken in my estimation. My question is, do they have names yet? if not, when? and of course they will share there names with us. I wonder if you like to sleep with your friends, do you need 3 more pots? or do you need one BIG pot? so many questions. I have seen your French cousin at the home of da phenny and da nelly, but I think they only have one... and they keep bringing/letting it in the house. I had no idea what you eat, now i know. Welcome!

    1. I have French cousins??? We need a house each. I am not sharing mine with those other fleabags.

  5. Hari OM
    OOOOH, an 'array' of hedgehogs in angel Tigger's yard? This is beyond wonderfurs and I do hope the guest editor makes lots of appearances! YAM xx

    1. Like the Old Cat, I'm not that keen on competition for the resources I have claimed. Mine - all mine.

  6. Hedge & Mates….sounds like a series. It appears the pilot has been approved - funding is being assessed. Don’t leave town, the editorial department will be in touch.

    1. Whether I leave town will depend on the landlords (and the competition). I have some very spiky mates.

  7. Dear Spike I hope to see you here on a regular basis.

    1. If you pay my ferry fare Dave, I will visit as often as you like.

  8. Nice entry. I expect he'll get paid from the hedgehog fund.

  9. Oooh you have quite inflated my ego Gardener. I wasn't too sure about this blogging business but if I can get paid for it I'll certainly apply for a regular spot.

  10. Hi Mr Hedgehog. Sounds like you have your life sorted - great to hear from you :) xx

  11. Oh how wonderful
    You’ll have babies in the spring me thinks.
    Your going to get a reputation of being the Hilton of the wildlife

  12. awww I love these little guys, use to get loads of them in Northland but I haven't seen any here yet

  13. Ahhh, a completely different, but important, point of view. Might he be Sonic?


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