Narna's Shortbread

 Sorry no photo but everyone knows what shortbread looks like.  

No 7 - Narna's Shortbread

Narna’s Shortbread.

Narna, my paternal grandmother, made shortbread that set the standard by which I’ve judged shortbread ever since.  The secret ingredient is the condensed milk.  OK it is no secret now but in NZ we use ‘Highlander’ sweetened condensed milk.  Its addition seems to have the effect of adding crispness to the end result.  (Mum puts it in the chocolate chippy biscuits for the same reason.)

This recipe is meant to be shaped into a log, chilled, then sliced and pricked with a fork before baking.  Narna shortcut that by simply rolling it out, cutting it into squares and personalized it by stabbing each piece 2 or 3 times with the end of a spoon, making characteristic curved marks on each one.

Grandad, always the joker and storyteller, had it that these weren’t spoon marks at all but in fact the nail on her big toe.  The kids didn’t mind and the family shortbread has enjoyed curved decoration ever since.

Narna’s Shortbread

8 oz butter
5 oz castor sugar
1 tablespoon of (sweetened) condensed milk
12-14 oz flour
1 tsp baking powder
Pinch salt.

(Narna’s notes then  simply say ‘Mix as usual’.)  So cream the butter and sugar, add the condensed milk then all the dry ingredients.   Mold the dough into a sausage.  At this point I wrap it in cling film and chill it for a few hours.  Then slice it and cook it at about 130 o C for 15-20 minutes.  It shouldn’t change colour.


  1. I used to love condensed milk - that rich sweetness. The recipe looks so simple that even I could follow it and perhaps achieve something edible. This will be the second recipe I've copied from a blogger today:-)

  2. Sound wonderful. One problem. What do you do with the rest of the condensed milk? I dare not open a tin. It disappears fast, tablespoon by tablespoon and doesn't and not into another batch of being scuits

  3. Yes please. They sound delicious.

  4. alien took my comment. my first thought was what to do with the rest of the condensed milk. I used to use a whole can with bananas and soemthing else that made a pie. mother taught me. I am happy i don't remember how because it was pure sugar and bannas but delish. this sound really good and only the spoon full.

  5. I’ll definitely give this a go. The only thing I need to buy is the castor sugar a nice simple recipe

  6. B is a huge shortbread fan, I've made it for him a few times but I've never heard of using condensed milk, so I think I will try that.


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