

There really is porridge under there somewhere.

What do you eat for breakfast?


  1. Fresh fruit and seedy bread.

    1. Seedy bread sounds great. Supermarkets in UK are getting better on varieties of bread (when I came here it was white or wholemeal and both the consistency of a wet sponge). We live in a fairly deprived area made worse by supermarkets having put Al small independent business out of business - bakeries, butchers, green grocers, clothing retailers etc so choice might be a fine thing but it is only the cheapest choice they can find to sell on at eye watering profit.

  2. Now yummy is that. I do like porridge for breakfast or anytime really. I make it from scratch not the instant stuff. And fresh blackberries is just a special treat

    1. Agree. We used rolled oats and doak them in milk and water overnight.

  3. Homemade muesli and fruit (blackberries in season - those ones look delicious)

  4. Gail: muesli with natural yoghurt, banana and seasonal berries, all well soaked.
    Nobby: kibble, enlivened with a spoon full of wet dog food and sweet potato.

    1. Mr B thinks F's breakfast has frog spawn on it (soaked chia seeds). Enlivened breakfast is essential don't you think Nobby? I like the idea of sweet potato. I used to put mashed pumpkin on my breakfast when I had some.

  5. That looks so good! We usually have yogurt with fruit.

  6. Hari Om
    Oh I love breakfast and will vary it all the way from similar to yours, through toast with Vegemite/cheddar and marmalade/eggs scrambled or poached, various fruit mixture, up to things more like brunch, with bacon, eggs, beans, tomato... I agree with the above that the bread has to be the best available (on my budget), and have found Lidls own seeded farmhouse to fit the slot. A good brekkie sees one through a good part of the day! YAM xx

  7. That sure looks good and fresh and tasty . Not for me anymore. Mine is a pile of scrambled eggs with cheese and lots of real butter. I'm eating animal based.

  8. That sure looks good and fresh and tasty . Not for me anymore. Mine is a pile of scrambled eggs with cheese and lots of real butter. I'm eating animal based.

  9. That's the sort of porridge himself eats, more like pudding than anything else, followed by poached egg on sourdough toast.

  10. I would love to eat this bowl, it would cover the taste of the oatmeal. If I ate it i would be in pain and distress for 24 hours. I love berries and i can eat them but they must be blended in the bullet. I eat french bread different ways. peanutbutter and orange marmalade or cheese for cheese toast, peanut butter and maple syrup toasted in oven, i occasiaonly eat 1 egg on the french bread, it has to be hidden under cheese or catsup. IBS diet I can eat some cereal but not the milk that makes it edible. soy milk is gaggy on cereal


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