Possum Trap

Possums, the Australian variety, having been introduced to NZ (humans have a lot to answer for), proceeded to make a nuisance of themselves.

Possums eat birds eggs. NZ native birds evolved without any mammalian predators. Some folks would call them stupid, but they never had to adapt to such challenges.

Possums carry bovine TB. That makes them even more unpopular than a badger on a dairy farm in UK.

Possums are nocturnal, and they have really tough bones. So if you run over one driving home in the dark, they will more than likely give you a puncture. 

My Grandma was a champion rose grower (in her small rural community) and hated Possums with a passion - they loved eating soft new growth on her roses.

Possums eat apples too.

Jock and Fergus get really worked up about Possums. We don't get many here but the dogs make sure everyone is awake and knows about it if they bail one in a cabbage tree - always at night. Bro has to get the shotgun out (and Jock immediately finds a hiding place - despite how I have represented him, he is a sensitive wee soul that hates loud noises, and has learned that the shotgun is a very loud noise.) Fergus just keeps barking.

Possum despatched we can all get some sleep.

We have a possum trap. We can't use it. Baited with apple the only things we catch in it are wee ginger dogs (who like apple).


  1. Curious, we, up here in the north, feel lucky to have possum in the garden- They keep rats and mice where they belong- in rat town and in churches! We used to have a few but for years now they have been scarce- I guess they all took a flight to your neck of the woods!

    1. Different kind of possum - yours are cute, ours (the ones that came from across the Ditch) are just a menace and they certainly don't determine rodents.

  2. Yes humans do have a lot to answer for. Why would you take a pest from its natural habitat and introduce it to another country.
    The possums ate my roses out the front. But can’t get to the back yard as the dogs are there.
    They also make a racket in the ceiling. Especially during mating season. It’s like they’re fighting with army boots on

    1. Possums in the roof space - I have some great stories about that.

  3. I know they're nasty little pests and do so much damage, but....the only time I've actually seen one was in Australia and it was so darn cute. Those big eyes.
    They used to annoy my brother so much when he lived out in the country scrambling over the roof all night.
    Is there still a bounty on them?

    1. I don't know about bounty but there is still a market for their skins and fur. It used to be good second income when I worked in the Forest Service to run a few trap lines.

    2. I remember a friend having possum dogroll that his dogs love!

  4. Can't you put up a sign on the trap that says No Dogs ?

  5. Hari Om
    Even in OZ the possum is a bit of a pest but are protected under law. Not even allowed to relocate them. So I had to put up with them living in my roof... Jade and Jasper didn't pay any attention to them, mores the pity. YAM xx

    1. I hate possums in the roof. I had a house (old house) in which the kitchen cupboards seemed to have been built before the ceilings were installed - and the possums could get into the top cupboards. I'll save the rest of that tale for a slow news post.

  6. Oh, well, you know what to do if one of the dogs goes awol, anyway!

    1. The k9s had a predecessor (Roxie) who regularly went awol. Her independent (read wayward) spirit lead to the family resolving there would be no more cairn terriers - and they chose these mixed breed things instead. They are much more home boys and never stray far from the fridge.

  7. I had to go out and check for images of your possums, it is nothing like ours in looks or actions or bones hard enough to puncture tires.. the only thing our possums do that we don't like, the ones in our back yard at night, is leave little turds that Beau eats as apetitizers. thus I now follow him step by step, raccoons do the same, no way to stop them, and I get exercise.

  8. I've caught my share of possums in a trap like that. Put a peanut butter sandwich UNDER the trap instead of inside it. Put a heavy rock or brick on top of the trap. When it's inside, they can reach little hands in and pull out bits. When it's smashed under the wires, they have to go inside to get at it. Good luck!

    1. Brilliant. Unfortunately both wee orange dogs like peanut butter sandwiches - and love a food puzzle. What do possums like that doesn't appeal to wee orange dogs?

    2. They like fruit. I don't know if the pups like slices of apple or pear, even canned peaches???

    3. These scavenging canines eat anything except lettuce, chilies, and oranges. Perhaps we should try using oranges as bait.


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