Song Thrush

During the 30 years I lived in UK I don't believe I ever saw a song thrush. We tried to make our garden a haven for wildlife and finally succeeded in supporting a wide range of birds and a burgeoning population of hedgehogs but still never a song thrush.

Here in NZ they are rampant. They nest above doorways, over verandah, in the wisteria. They seem capable of raising two clutches per year. They are on every lawn, in every orchard, in every worked up veg garden.

They are even fighting over territorial rights on patches of land I am clearing way out in the boonies in the Marlborough Sounds.

Here they are over the sewing room door (second clutch this year - look closely for the youngster)

...above my bike repair place on the verandah
On the back lawn...
On my newly cleared bit of dirt....


  1. It is lovely to see Scotland I see a few...

  2. Hari OM
    Oh, that's where they've all gone. Perhaps NZ could consider a repatriation programme? I remember lots of Song Thrush in the hedgerows in my childhood, but have noted a total lack of them since my own return to these isles. YAM xx

    1. They seem so very happy here (as do hedgehogs) and no one is persecuting them - which is better than I can say for the poor hedgehogs (those I WOULD like to repatriate for their own safety).

  3. Good to see them thriving somewhere!
    We had a pair of song thrushes in our previous garden for a couple of years. Each year they would build a nest, lay eggs and hatch chicks and then the magpies would come. 😪They gave up after a while and we didn't see them again.

    1. We have different kind of magpies. They attack humans but don't seem interested in making meals out of small birds.

  4. I like all the thrush family, but haven't seen many recently. Perhaps I haven't been looking hard enough. We normally see redwings in the garden but haven't had any this year;

  5. I bet they’re enjoying all the bugs that you disturb when clearing

  6. I see the babies with the parent, and wish I had the energy of the video birds.. maybe I should eat bugs. ha ha


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