Blog Blip

We seem to have run out of inspiration.  It was a quiet weekend of unreportable nothingness really - a lot of resting and some overdue shelling of walnuts.

I did some supervising from a high place, well out of the way, while F moved furniture and cleaned ash, dust and cat fur from every nook and cranny.  It was also long overdue.  I can resume the process of fluffing the place up again now.


Piraeus has closed.

Not a single café we passed on our way to work today was open.  Loads of other shops are also closed - many for the rest of August.  The streets are empty.  It feels a bit like a ghost town.


A couple of evenings ago we saw a tiny lizard on our balcony.  It scuttled out from under a plant pot when F was washing the tiles.  It moved so fast as it flashed past the peripheral vision that F thought it was a cockroach and we nearly had 'nuclear holocaust....'

Fortunately it paused briefly in full view and revealed itself to be a little lizard.  Little lizards are highly regarded and much loved by my humans.  Even the coat-hooks here pretend to be lizards... calm was restored.

Poor wee lizard had climbed a huge cliff to hide under the plants on our balcony.  We hope it found some tasty insects to dine on while it was here.  We'd like it to hang around but this probably isn't the ideal environment.


  1. Hari OM
    Well - that was not so much of nothing, after all Tigger! Quite a bit of something, actually. Deep cleaning takes great effort. Much like climbing multifloors to reach balconies for little lizards. Hugs and whiskeries, YAM-aunty xxx

    1. She found a xmas decoration i was trying to keep hidden. Every time i bat it into hiding, she pulls it out again. I'm going to have to throw it off the balcony. Fz & Pz Mr T

  2. Oh how lovely. We had a couple of geckos living in our house on Tenerife many years ago. Cute little things, and they ate the mozzies too!
    Why is Piraeus closed?

    1. Linda explains below - everyone has gone on holiday to Poros.

  3. I love watching those little lizards. In Greek they are called samiamithia...salamander? They can stalk a moth for ages, still as one of those coat hooks.
    Your Piraeus people have all moved to Poros. Nice and quiet for you for another week. Then they shall return!

    1. He (or she) was only a little over an inch long. Just a baby one; but quick.

  4. Cleaning, deep cleaning while it’s so hot isn’t something anyone wants to do
    Hopefully it was a little cooler for you while you worked
    Resting is what we all need to do.
    Lizards are lovely. As long as they say outside and away from me

    1. Angela - it just HAD to be done; anything to drag me out of my lethargy and low mood. I was tired of living around my own mess! It helped a bit and i got out and did stuff outdoors in the early evening.

  5. I don’t remember seeing them in Cyprus (being 17 maybe my mind was on other things 😊) but there were oodles of them in Singapore. Called Chit Chats they were like yours….tiny little gecko/lizardly like creatures that hung on the walls.
    A lot of my ‘needs to be done ‘cleaning takes place on those really hot summer days, when it’s too hot to be outside and you need something to do to take your mind off how hot it is….if you follow my meaning.

  6. We love our lizards too, Tigger. We have named several of them, the ones that we see all day every day, they are pretty tame . mama has told there story many times. here is a link to see what ours look like, they are brown anoles.
    about the closed stores, we are almost there again, and a full lock down is looming once again. the new variant if running amuck and faster than the first one and this time it is targeting our children

  7. I hear ya, as we are under full lockdown here we are looking for things to do around the house, even the cats are wondering why we are home.


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