Tummy Fur (and scatological observations)

Beautiful orange tummy fur. 

Strangely my tummy fur is only orange on the outside.  Next to my skin it is grey.   Of course I knew that - I do my own laundry - but it seems to have been a surprise to F.

After last week's visit to the vet I hadn't felt a full return to my old self. Those dashed pills didn't help. In the end I started sicking them up just to make my point.  If I had known there was only one left and what the alternative was, I might have made a different risk assessment.

On our way home from the office on Friday, we stopped at the vet. Oh no, not all this again.

F in the big blue dress, me stretched out on that machine again. This time I didn't kick because it would be all over on the first go....

Can I tell you this? F noticed I hadn't been pooping. Humans!  Can't live with 'em, can't live without 'em. Poop is personal (felineal) - especially for cats. That's why we bury it. Other cats can read your weaknesses from your poop. Poop has no business being made public, or the topic of a blogpost.

So this isn't about poop.  It's about what happens when humans get too interested in your pooping habits.

What happens is you get dosed with stuff - both ends - and get special food and even more watering down of meals. 

And then you have to go back the next day to see a new vet, who arrives with a big suitcase, and who shaves off your beautiful tummy fur.

That's how F knows now it's grey next to my skin. (I saw her saving it... maybe it will join my shed-locks in the compost?)

Then the vet rubbed all over my bare tummy with a thing on a wire. That suitcase had a computer screen in it; one on which I could watch fuzzy pictures of my insides while I leaned my head over F's arm. She said it was my insides. 

My insides are black and white!

Anything moving on a screen is a momentary distraction.

Was it about poop? No, apparently, but I don't have lymphoma, my liver is normal (as it should be, I took the pledge years ago),  and my stomach is a bit upset; something called gastritis.  I blame those pills.  Now Ì actually have to swallow human medicine for a week.

I wonder if my tummy fur will EVER grow back! I might get strange furless skin....

Today (Sunday) - just because F's checking - I left the biggest cat skat ever in my litter tray. That'll show her.

F note: All this kicked off when the vet suspected an enlarged spleen.  The ultrasound analysis ruled that out, and included the advice (borne out by blood tests) that his kidneys are normal but have too much fat around them.  He claimed to be deaf when advised to lose weight, drink more water.......and exercise more.  How do you exercise a cat?  The daily walk with Mr T  in a backpack has certainly knocked some weight off his human....


  1. Alas. poop matters, my friend. F2 can tell you that.

    1. Actually we've been thinking about F2 a lot the last couple of weeks, trying to get Tigger's colon working again. You know better than anyone it's about the hydration. We hope you are all safe and well. Love from F and Mr T

  2. As to the exercise I think a nice little cat sized hamster wheel should do the trick.

    1. Do you think I could lie in the bottom of it? Would that count as exercise?

  3. Hari OM
    Hmmm, more teaching old cats new tricks, eh? Well, let them talk all they like about it, Tigger. The impawtant takeaway from this post is not poo, but that you are, in fact, in pawfect health for a feline of such noble years! Hugs and whiskeries, YAM-aunty xxx
    (pee ess - fret not about your furs, for the will return!)

    1. Thank you YAM-aunty. I couldn't face sporting the bikini look for the rest of my life! You won't see any photos of my naked tum because that is at least the one thing that F does understand - even she doesn't wear bikinis. Furrings and purrings Mr T

  4. i agree with you and F that tummies are PRIVATE and no photos need be taken, of course it is ok when your furs are back. we love fur covered tummies. I am doing a happy dance that all is well and thepeople meds made you poop. you would be grossed out watching what people do who are owned by dogs. i walk around watching while Beau goes, then with hand in bag pick up a pile that weighs half your body weight.. we watch his to make sure it is firm, no mushy, he takes powdered liver on his dog food to keep it firm. you and Beau are worth it ALL. hugs from both of us. good news on F losing from walking you. maybe you could learn to walk on a leash, i know 3 cats that walk with dogs on leashes

  5. I've watched that K9-owner sneaky capture of K9 poop and wondered if K9s do that to torture humans. Don't be silly about walking on a leash. I have a seat belt on Donkey - IT IS NOT A LEASH. Wearing it makes the bones in my legs turn to jelly, so i couldn't even be seen dead out walking in it - that is for K9s.

  6. We have sad news, our poor wee Bunny passed away a few days ago, she was too constipated, even though we had her on a strict wet food diet with bran and medicine, the vet said her thigh bones were fused together and her spine was crooked, having no tail made it painful for her to push anything out and that it was only going to get worse, we are sad but we still have Bruno.

    1. We are really sorry to read that and it is absolutely heart-tearing watching their pain and distress. Give Bruno lots of love and plant a really nice tree for Bunny.

    2. Jeepers Amy - where has your blog gone? We just went there to leave a message for you.


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