Really Fat Tail

It makes F laugh, and we play chasing games - out the lounge door, in the kitchen door, through the apartment, round the corner of the dining room.... if I'm in front I hide and then surprise her by charging through the bedroom onto the back balcony, yell at the neighbours a bit, then charge back through the house, loudly, trying to tempt F into chasing me again.

I do fat tail.

F says she has never seen me make such a fat tail; she tried to photograph it but I wasn't having any of that and turned my back on her.

Maybe there's some fox in my genetic background.  That should be a horrific thought but I used to have a working agreement with the foxes in our house garden and allotment. They aren't K9s and they don't seem to like K9s any more than I do. It made us into strange allies.  We occasionally 'joined forces' to chase the squirrels.

There is another bushy tailed critter for you.  

I share nothing with squirrels and dislike them intensely - especially their tails.


  1. Maybe you’re related to the brush tailed possum, he has a big bushy tail as well.
    The first photo looks like you are sitting on a bottle brush….the washing up type not the bright red flower of Callistemon (even though they are very nice to look at )

    1. I've never seen a possum, and F said my tail really did look like a bottle brush (the cleaning kind). I'm offended.

  2. How do you do that Tigger? My tail gets fat if I eat too much.

    1. Mine gets fat when I yell at the neighbours. Tomorrow it will be skinny again.

  3. Hari OM
    Well, I am impressed - which I think is what you hoped for, right? My angel Jasper did fat tail, but never to this breadth! I am glad you are able to use it for F's entertainment and exercise as much as to warn off the neighbours. Hugs and whiskeries, YAM-aunty xxx

  4. this is new to me, I had no idea you could make your tail bushy. I have seen bushy tailed cats but they were always bushy when I saw them, as in long hair cats. wow, is yours BIG... I can see you blasting through the house with mama chasing.. gotta get rid of the Tiger Within You. make that Tigger with in you

  5. Yes. Definitely a fat tail
    It looks very royal and plush


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