Nature Friday

Observationally, LLB Bang's Nature Friday linkyhop (as opposed to Lindyhop) thing seems to attract a lot of views of beautiful flowers and interesting wildlife.

Not having been in the way of recording either this week I decided (for a nod to Tigger) to post this link for how to build a hedgehog house.  

After all, one of his posthumous posts recorded my excitement at seeing a hedgehog in our garden again after so many years absence, and his pleasure at having 'hedgehog house building' to supervise.

OK this is no use to those of you outside the UK; it is only here that we are having to concern ourselves about the endangered status of a strange prickly little animal immortalized in Beatrice Potter's books as Mrs Tiggywinkle.

For the defence, your Honour, I argue it is about nature, and this is Friday.

If you don't have hedgehogs you will have something that depends on an assortment of food sources that could, should, would have .. abounded in the area you now call garden.  Perhaps you might consider a version of a 'bug hotel' appropriate for your locale, and support the birds,  bats, reptiles, small mammals, and big beetles that make up the eco-system of your area.

...and plant some flowers near by, or sedums on top (This from a local school)

If it is better for them, it is better for us.

And here from a May 2014 post from the allotments....we try to practice what we preach.

Guarding the back door to the insect hotel

It's time I built a new one.



  1. I know that bug hotels are, in principal, a Good Thing, but having spent yesterday afternoon undertaking some plant monitoring work in the birch and pinewoods beside Loch Torridon, in the face of a vicious midge onslaught, I am at the moment not feeling very pro-insect!
    Cheers, Gail.
    PS Nobby seems oblivious to the scourge of the Highland summer.

    1. with you on midges. sometimes it is difficult to form a well reasoned view on why nature would add such universally despised creatures to the mix. i can even make a case for wasps but midges????

  2. P built a bug hotel on the side of his wooden compost bins right next to the log pile and dead leaves bin. He reckons the wildlife is spoilt for choice!

    1. Now you just need a hedgehog to feast on them...

  3. Entirely worthy of a place at the table, I say.

  4. Hari OM
    Of course it fits into the NF linky!!! Except now you need to go and actually link it and put a link into LLB from here. Rosy and Sunny will be thrilled! YAM xx

    1. Aaahh the linky bit - I always do that after I have read Nobby's blog post, and as we are usually 'late by nature' it sometimes doesn't get done until Saturday. This week the post was scheduled so I came up before I had read either Rosy or Nobby's views on Fridays.

  5. agree 100% we need to help our critters, be they insects, 4 footed or prickly little cute hedgehogs. naturally, like this not feeding them people food which is not good for them. we have to remember they need water when in a drought. I am remiss in putting the actual link but we always do the Nature Friday. there is no way to link it until after it posts and i forget to do it.

  6. Oh what a flashback Beatrice Potter's books as Mrs Tiggywinkle. Our daughter enjoyed them as a child.
    This is a most excellent Nature Friday and all quite new to me. Sweet handsome Tigger was an excellent guard...thank you for the flashback. It is so nice to remember all the fun and adventures our angels had and allowed us to document.
    Hugs Cecilia aka Angel Mad's Mum

  7. What super bug hotels. Now I know what to do with the spare bit of chimney pottery that has been rolling around idly in our garden since we said goodbye to our last guinea pig about 10 years ago. It was in their run.

  8. Intriguing post ~ insects repellent hotel ~ way to go ~

    Wishing your good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  9. Bug hotels are getting big here in oz as well. I had one on my fence. But it fell off and I’ve not replaced it
    I really should. Keep the good bugs here so they fight off the bad bugs

    We had echidnas here. And I was very excited to see one in the wild.

  10. Love hedgehogs, haven't seen many here in the South Island yet but use to get lots up north. Sometimes my foxy would try and get them but she was never successful, ending up with a snout full of spines.

  11. Now....we want a hedgehog hotel...we think our bunnies might enjoy it more thant he local insects LOL!
    Thanks for joining us for Nature Friday!!
    Rosy & Sunny


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