
Some entertaining re-posts

The Whiteboard in the Kitchen

It gets used for shopping lists, to-do lists, reminders, a record of whether F has met her daily objectives during lock-downs (exercise, language practice, going swimming etc) - write it on, wipe it off stuff.... She thinks I can't read handwriting.  I know what ' catfood ' looks like in every possible format. At the top the board has a nearly faded line that says: 2019 - Finish more things than I start As Pili pointed out, that would appear to be a temporal absurdity.  What Pili didn't realize at the time was that our cupboards are full of started/unfinished projects of one kind or another.  Lots, if not all, got moved with us from England in their partially completed state.  What F was resolving in effect was that they would not get moved back again in like condition. Two years later 2 equally faded items remain on the original list, many things have been started (and completed) in the meantime, and the stash of fabric probably has not gone down all that much because

Rat - Update.


Philosophy (Earth Day)

Chocolate Mudcake

Ferry Boat

Out of the Freezer

Still Daily Sketching

In the Pink

Comes Round Again

Chocolate Beetroot Brownie

Slipper Limpets

Finally - no longer WIP


Great Copse

Havant Repair Café and Voodoo

Blue Tit


Honey Fruit Cake

Spring out back